About Us
Simply Purrfect
In 2002 Carol Wregg saw an opportunity to create a unique and luxury-based cattery on the Gold Coast. Building large suites with indoor outdoor access and beautiful pastel colours to help calm cats that were surrounded by a lush green garden, the cattery quickly became an award winning cattery of choice.
In April of 2021 Felicity Tubner purchased Simply Purrfect Cattery with Carol’s kind words and seeing how much clients enjoyed the location and uniqueness of large suites for cats to enjoy we have continued to improve the facilities and surrounding garden.

Just Love this beautiful Cattery. My cat Hector has been boarding here for 7 years. First owners were Steve and Carol just the best people ever.
Now Felicity has taken over and she is a special cat lover like myself.
It takes one to know one. My cat is greedy and is needing to have small portions as he gets fat and also mainly cooked food.
Cat Owner
To help cats we have installed wide ramps and increased the area cats can sleep or lounge in the suites. Air conditioners are now in both buildings and lighting has been improved.
We know how important it is for your cat to continue to eat their regular food and stock a wide range of well-known brands in both wet and dry cat food. Before your arrival we dress your suite, we add sleeping hutches, blankets, toys, water and litter. We can add or remove anything you feel your cat won’t need. We want your cat to feel safe and for you to know we will look after your very precious cat while away.
We are open for inspections and encourage anyone interested in staying with us to see the cattery and talk to us about you cats needs and questions you have.
We know how important it is for your cat to continue to eat their regular food and stock a wide range of well-known brands in both wet and dry cat food. Before your arrival we dress your suite, we add sleeping hutches, blankets, toys, water and litter. We can add or remove anything you feel your cat won’t need. We want your cat to feel safe and for you to know we will look after your very precious cat while away.
We are open for inspections and encourage anyone interested in staying with us to see the cattery and talk to us about you cats needs and questions you have.

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