Simply Purrfect
Daily Rates
- 1 Cat ............ $28 per day
- 2 Cats ........... $50 per day
- 3 Cats ........... $69 per day
- 4 Cats ........... $84 per day
- 5+ Cats ......... $106 per day
Daily Pensioner rates*
- 1 Cat ............ $26 per day
- 2 Cats ........... $48 per day
- 3 Cats ........... $63 per day
- 4 Cats ........... $80 per day
- 5+ Cats ......... $100 per day
Available Monday to Saturday
Cost is one way
- Less than 10kms ...... $20
- 10kms to 29kms ....... $25
- 30kms to 59kms ....... $50
- 60kms to 100kms ...... $100
Booking considerations
- Discount of 10% for a 1 month stay
- Medications fee for Cats Thyroid Cream, Tablets Only $3.00 per application.
- Kittens under 10 months will be housed in our Indoor Kitten Suites
- Pensioner discounts are available on sighting a current pension card
- Fees are per day not night. Includes day of entry.